"Hello to you reading this, nice to see you. I'm Rich, a trainee Sport and Exercise Psychologist, currently working in UK Higher Education and consulting in elite and sub-elite sport.
Helping each other, becoming better people and staying true to yourself.
I think these 3 things are important to sport and being on this planet.
I started Unfiltered Sporting Minds to bring them altogether...
I believe that we don't have to change ourself to reach our goals. But sometimes we all need a bit of guidance with what we do with ourself - that's where USM can help!
So if you want to; win an Olympic gold medal, get back into a gym routine, have a space for chatting s*** , learn new skills or a mixture, then please have a look around the site and maybe you will become an.. Unfiltered Sporting Mind"
Our Consultancy helps you get closer to your goals - Whatever they may look like
Our Psycho-Education gives understanding and knowledge - Team/Company workshops
Our Podcast offers you unfiltered insights into sporting minds - Professionals to Novices
Here at USM we offer a custom sport psychology consulting service for all abilities, ages, sports and goals.
Have a look at how we do our thing...
At USM we believe that education around psychology in sport is very important.
We do one off and block booking workshops.
Be nosy and get familiar with our products!
USM gives real sportspeople the platform to tell their story in an unfiltered way.
Life is about stories and we love to listen.
Pop in and see what the podcast is up to!
Please reach us at unfilteredsportingminds@outlook.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Psychology is the study of the human mind and behaviour - how we can describe, explain, manipulate and predict other people's actions based on what has happened before.
For example, if you break your arm on an uneven slab outside the local shop - I bet you every time you look at the slab again you'll think of your arm (and how much compensation you should get!).
But, before you go to the shop again I nearly guarantee that this time in your mind you think 'there is a horrible slab around here' and then because of that you behave in a way that avoids the slab...
That is psychology in a nutshell!
Same in sport and exercise...
For example, if a golfer gets really nervous when they think they can win a competition, then, I predict they will be nervous in 3 months, at their competition.
So in sport psychology, we say "Let's do something to change that behaviour so it doesn't happen and they're not nervous when they are about to win".
Sport psychology is used to mainly improve performance and to become better at a sport.
If you were a current or aspiring elite level performer you may opt for sport psychology services.
Exercise psychology is used to mainly improve physical activity and helps people become healthier.
If you were wanting to make a lifestyle change and create good habits for exercise, exercise psychology services may be more well-suited.
Remember, there are many overlaps between the domains which contribute to each other's progression.
Yes - as plain and simple as that.
Here at USM we know that not everyone who does physical activity is going to want to be a World Cup winner. We have experience with elite level sport but also work in other levels of sport .
We use our knowhow and apply it to people based on their situation.
For example if you want to; set a goal to exercise 3 times a week, have a safe space to discuss issues/worries relating to going to the gym, or, just create better habits, we can help with this journey!
1. Our flexible and made-to-measure approach ensures that you are receiving the most appropriate type of support to get you closer to your goals ASAP!
2. Some of our most important beliefs and values centre around being unfiltered and authenticity - you being you. This might mean that you swear, or you have different views to your mates - this is welcomed and championed at USM - we can do our best when we are unfiltered ourself!
3. Our approach is founded upon relatively new ways of thinking within psychology. Existentialism, Stoicism and Psychological Safety are pillars of our practice - becoming better in our way!
4. A less -than-expected-directive approach is taken by our practitioners as we believe that no one knows yourself better than you! Our practitioners actively listen and factor in your opinions as we chat through the different ways support can be given here at USM.
5. We are unorthodox in methods sometimes - we like to get actual sporting equipment involved, or have other people in to talk to us - not every session is going to be your typical 'white lab coat, glasses on nose and "how does that make you feel?" questions', we are active!
We are very open to discussing prices for more than one session so please get in touch! As the approach taken to consultancy is bespoke, an individual valuation would need to be made.
Based off the needs analysis, performed for every booking, our practitioners could offer a variety of specific services.
For example, a safe space for mental health discussion, activity exploring mindset effects on performance or a conversation mediator with a coach, peer, parent etc...
We have extremely good links with colleagues who we could bring in and deal with more clinical issues in psychology.
We strictly work within a sporting and physical activity domain here at USM. We aren't permitted to practice in a clinical capacity and we would have a chat about transferring some volume of work over to a clinical psychologist.
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